Top 10k strings from Atlas Assignment, The (1983)(Virgin Games).tap
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4 loc=l(loc/10 3 holding=holding-1 3 h$(obj)=" ": 2 l$(flag,pay)="1": 2 h$(obj)=" " 2 START THE TAPE 2 D$="MAN ") 2 ATLAS 2 ,obj)="1": 2 (D$="DRU " 2 '"The WHAT?": 2 '" You shoot Atlas, he falls, revealing a complicated-looking safe embedded in the wall.": 2 '" The man snatches at the money greedily, and smiles coldly at you.": 2 "DESTINATION:"; 1 |B@p@BBBRB 1 |B<B<B<<Bx 1 |<<D<|<BBx 1 time=time-1 1 nl=(l(loc/10 1 last chr=" " 1 l$(nl,obj)="1": 1 l$(flag,pay)=" " 1 l$(flag,lend)=" " 1 l$(flag,fill)=" " 1 l$(flag,cupb)="1": 1 l$(flag,cupb)=" " 1 l$(flag,cont)="1" 1 l$(flag,cont)=" " 1 k$="SODI") 1 holding=holding+1 1 h$=" " 1 h$(obj)="1": 1 ftt<ppppx8,$$6 1 d$="LOC ") 1 c$="S ": 1 a labelled bottle a wad of banknotes your passport an automatic pistol a piece of notepaper a handgrenade a cassette recorder a syringe a set of skeleton keysa pair of wire cuttersa coil of rope a pair of binoculars 1 You should also try SAVE again if this happens. 1 You can see: 1 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 1 V O G V N - D N - M Z V Y T - "''"O J - N Z G G."''"M Z I Y Z U Q J P N - D I"''"R Z D I A Z G Y Z I ,"''"N R D O U Z M G V I Y. 1 Use your cartographical skills! 1 The point is information": 1 The information will be saved totape, so press RECORD then pressany key. 1 THE ATLAS ASSIGNMENT 1 Shape Mitok! 1 Seiddab hates pineapple 1 SHOTS=SHOTS-1 1 Possible routes: 1 PRESS A KEY TO ENTER THE OFFICE. 1 OPEN + CLOSE 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 OOOOOOOOOO 1 OBJECT IDENTIFIERS 1 Not only is he in solution, but also solvent 1 NG=HOLDING-1 1 NEW GAME $ 1 N$="381181895185" 1 M$="CHARRIERE" 1 L$(X,f)="1" 1 L$(FLAG,SEARCH)="1": 1 L$(FLAG,SEARCH)="1" 1 L$(FLAG,SEARCH)=" " 1 L$(FLAG,LEND)="1": 1 L$(FLAG,LEND)=" " 1 L$(FLAG,HOUS)="1": 1 L$(FLAG,HOUS)=" " 1 L$(FLAG,FILL)="1": 1 L$(FLAG,DEP)="1": 1 L$(FLAG,DEP)="1" 1 L$(FLAG,CUPB)=" " 1 Identification helps 1 INITIALISATION 1 I$="WEINFELDEN" 1 HOLDING=HOLDING-1 1 Flying high"'"They had the apparatus 1 D$=W$(LENC+1 1 D$="REC ") 1 D$="NOT ") 1 D$="MIC ")) 1 D$="MES ") 1 D$="COM ")) 1 D$="BOT ") 1 D$="BIN ") 1 C$="LOB ") 1 C$="DIE ": 1 B~@HN|BBJB 1 BBBHBBBBbD 1 BBBDBDBBFD 1 ;"WELL DONE!": 1 ;"WELCOME TO THE NEW TICKET OFFICE"''"PLEASE TYPE IN THE NAME OF THE TOWN YOU WISH TO GET TO.": 1 ;"NOW SELF-DESTRUCTING": 1 ;"MUNCH MUNCH GOBBLE": 1 ;"MICROJET AAJ PROTOTYPE"''"WELCOME TO THE COCKPIT. I AM THECOMPUTER WHICH CAN FLY YOUR ADVANCED AUTOMATIC JET."'''"PLEASE TYPE IN WHERE YOU WANT TOFLY TO." 1 ;"In which direction? (N,S,E,W)"; 1 ;"C R U N C H ! !": 1 ;"**MI5 INFORMATION RECORDS**"''"SECURITY LEVEL CLEARANCE 5"''"GOOD MORNING AGENT 2" 1 ;" -PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE-" 1 ;" S P L O S H !": 1 ;" ": 1 : "GO TO loc" to cont, or: "GO TO start" to restart. 1 -THE ATLAS ASSIGNMENT- 1 ,obj)=" ": 1 ,direc))/10 1 )=" " 1 )'"Mem left: ";65536 1 (k$="TRUT" 1 (d$="DUS " 1 (d$="CAS " 1 (c$="THRO" 1 (D$="PAP " 1 (D$="LAB " 1 (D$="JET " 1 (C$="USE " 1 (C$="TYPE" 1 ''''" You start outside the office ofthe head of MI5, waiting to be admitted into the high security office, knowing that computers are checking your credentials & scanners are X-raying you." 1 ''''" The secretary informs you that the chief will be ready to see you shortly." 1 '''"AT PRESENT NO DATA AVAILABLE ON: 1 '''" TOO LATE! Atlas has just shot you three times...": 1 ''"you've failed" 1 ''"You don't have a gun...": 1 ''"Well done!"''" You climb out from the microjetand onto the Quimper airstrip. To your south is a small air- port building.": 1 ''"THAT NAME IS NOT RECOGNISED. PERHAPS YOU'D LIKE TO GO SOME- WHERE ELSE?": 1 ''"PLEASE TYPE IN THE DATA RECORD TITLE YOU WISH INFORMATION ON": 1 ''"KGB AGENT WORKS IN BRITAIN."'"DESCRIPTION: ONLY AVAILABLE DATAIS SCAR DOWN LEFT CHEEK" 1 ''"If program execution is halted with an error message due to a tape fault, then type,"''" 'GO TO loc' "''" to continue the game."''" 1 ''"IVAN LENDELOVICH": 1 ''"I AM NOT, AS OF YET, PROGRAMMED TO FLY TO THERE.": 1 ''" You'll have to shoot all five down to survive..."''" Use keys 1 ''" You speak to the driver of the cab. He says,"''" ""Where to, m'sieur?"""'''" Please type in your reply..." 1 ''" You inject the 'truth serum' into the man's arm. He says,"''"""Atlas lives on an estate near here, called Charriere Lodge""": 1 ''" You could try to shoot the helicopters, but you're out of bullets..."''" Suddenly a bomb lands on your head.": 1 ''" You are in the open and have no defence. Soon bombs rain downand blow you to bits.": 1 ''" Use the keys W,X,D,A to move Up,Down,Right & Left, and E,C,Z,Q for moving diagonally." 1 ''" The handgrenade just went off close to you, and blew you to bits.": 1 ''" The cab driver says he doesn't know where that is.": 1 ''" The cab driver bundles you intothe cab, and within seconds, you find yourself outside Charriere Lodge.": 1 ''" Five helicopter gunships come heading straight towards you." 1 ''" After travelling for a while, a heavily armed guard enters the train and demands to see your papers. When he realises you don't have any, he has you escorted back to Quimper.": 1 ''" After travelling for a long time, the train starts to slow down, and finally stops. A uniformed guard enters your carriage, and says,"''" ""Passeport, s'il vous plait""": 1 '"You take ";o$(obj): 1 '"You sleep"''"zzz zzz zzz...": 1 '"You sing": 1 '"You have the following:" 1 '"You have not got that.": 1 '"You drop ";o$(obj): 1 '"You don't have the bottle.": 1 '"You don't have it!": 1 '"You dance": 1 '"You can't search that.": 1 '"You can't go that way.": 1 '"You can't go in there.": 1 '"With what? Your catapult?": 1 '"The tape recorder spells out thefollowing letters in a metallic voice:"''" 1 '"The lock shatters into a thous- and pieces, and the cupboard door swings open. Now you rem- ember where you left your pass- port!": 1 '"That's not here.": 1 '"Read what?": 1 '"Pardon?": 1 '"It sails out of sight...": 1 '"It lands nearby...": 1 '"Inject what?": 1 '"Give who WHAT?": 1 '"Fill it with what?": 1 '"FLY? You are not Superman!": 1 '"Bullets riddle your body.": 1 '"Ah diddums! he wants to play!": 1 '"'Ah! Glad to see you, Agent 2', the chief says. 'How are you? presumably you've had your briefing, so I'll just wish you good luck, and see you when you have caught this Atlas fellow.'" 1 '" You unlock the door with your skeleton keys, and enter the house.": 1 '" You speak.": 1 '" You shoot your gun, but don't hit anything in particular.": 1 '" You shoot the man, and he keelsover, dying. A small scrap of paper flutters from his grasp.": 1 '" You shoot at the man,hitting him in the chest. He is thrown back, but draws a gun and shootsyou dead.": 1 '" You see a dustbin, full of bitsof rubbish.": 1 '" You search, and come across a clean syringe.": 1 '" You search the drunk's pockets,but find nothing.": 1 '" You search the drunk's pockets and find ";O$(2 1 '" You pull the handgrenade pin.": 1 '" You look closely at the safe, &see a numeric keyboard."'" You recognize it as a safe which requires a 12-digit numberto open it.": 1 '" You hit the man with all your might. He staggers back,stunned,but then he pulls a gun, and shoots you.": 1 '" You give him your passport: he flicks through it, nods, then gives it back,saying, 'Merci.'"''" He holds the carriage door openfor you, and helps you out with your luggage.": 1 '" You fill the syringe.": 1 '" You examine it,but find nothingof particular interest.": 1 '" You don't have it.": 1 '" You don't have any.": 1 '" You cannot carry any more.": 1 '" There are two doors, one to your east & one to your west.": 1 '" The sign says,"''"""ARMY TRAINING GROUND:KEEP OUT""": 1 '" The shopkeeper grabs it back, saying,"''" ""That costs money!""": 1 '" The paper simply bears the following:"''" ""48LA4LO""": 1 '" The man lowers his paper, looksquestioningly at you for a moment, then says quickly,"''" ""Carruthers, CIA. Glad to meet you, Agent 2. We've just had word that the Russian who is to buy Atlas's merchandise is a certain Ivan Lendelovich.""": 1 '" The label simply says,"''" ""Sodium Pentathol""": 1 '" The hefty door is well locked..": 1 '" The click of the firing pin falling on an empty chamber tells you you're out of bullets.": 1 '" Several interesting items lie on the counter." 1 '" It simply says,"''" ""CLOSED FOR ALTERATIONS""": 1 '" It says,"''" ""Sid was 'ere so wos Fred""": 1 '" It reads, 'TICKET OFFICE'": 1 '" I don't think he'd take kindly to that!": 1 '" He yells,"''" ""Man bites dog!!""": 1 '" He holds up a small cassette recorder, saying,"''" ""Here it is:normal code.""": 1 '" Fresh air injected into a vein will kill him.": 1 '" Don't be so utterly violent!": 1 "nothing of interest": 1 "a labelled bottle","a wad of banknotes","your passport","an automatic pistol","a piece of notepaper","a handgrenade","a cassette recorder","a syringe","a set of skeleton keys","a pair of wire cutters","a coil of rope","a pair of binoculars" 1 "The information has now been saved to tape."''"Press 'V' if you wish to verify the data, or any other key to continue the game." 1 "Nothing at all.": 1 "NOW LOADING SCREEN": 1 "Mem used: ";41000 1 "LOADING......" 1 "LENDELOVICH" 1 "IVAN LENDELOVICH" 1 "EAZILOK safe mk 301"'''"Please type in your secret number:"''"press 'C' to cancel number." 1 "Another try ? "; 1 "ATLS M.M." 1 "A.A MASTER" 1 " You walk through a valley. On the horizon, you see an agitatedfigure shouting into a walkie- talkie and pointing at you. Suddenly you hear a menacing sound:" 1 " You walk through a valley whichseems to have been shelled rec- ently.": 1 " You walk in the shadow of a huge tower block.": 1 " You walk down a wide, clean road in the outskirts of London. A drunk lies unconscious in thegutter.": 1 " You walk down a wide road, a petrol station close by.": 1 " You walk along a beaten track. You see three holes in the ground, about 3m. apart and 30cmin diameter.": 1 " You type in the number, and thedoor swings open. Inside you seethe American Nuclear Defence Plans.": 1 " You stand within the shop. A rather large, belligerent man stands behind the counter, look-ing hard at you.": 1 " You stand within the house.": 1 " You stand within the elegant hall of the lodge, your heart beating about 3 times faster than the stately pace of the magnificent grandfather clock.": 1 " You stand within the Charriere Lodge library. Many books line the walls.": 1 " You stand within a very modern ticket office. A computer screenflashes as you enter. A message appears.": 1 " You stand within a broom cupboard, brooms and vacuum cle-aners all around.": 1 " You stand triumphant on the pond-pocked lawn. Your secret agent training tells you to movebefore more dogs are sent.": 1 " You stand outside the back doorof the MI5 building. The quiet street is almost deserted, except for a man leaning againsta lamp post, reading a paper.": 1 " You stand outside a small cafe,crowded with customers.": 1 " You stand outside a shopping precinct, french people milling about around you.": 1 " You stand outside a large old railway station, the doors boarded up, the windows broken.": 1 " You stand outside a dirty, run-down old shop, which is to your south. The door is open.": 1 " You stand on your own ,the hugegateway of Charriere Lodge to your east.": 1 " You stand on the north bank of a large river.": 1 " You stand on a track by an orchard. To your west is a housewith its door ajar.": 1 " You stand on a tarmac strip in front of a small airfield. The place seems to be deserted,and a small microjet stands in front of you.": 1 " You stand on a small sloping street. To your south in the distance, you can see an orchard": 1 " You stand on a barren piece of ground. To your west stands a large sign.": 1 " You stand on Weinfelden's smallrailway station platform.": 1 " You stand in the suburbs of Quimper.": 1 " You stand in a very plush living room. A half smoked cigarstill smoulders in an ashtray.": 1 " You stand in a small windswept park.": 1 " You stand in a market place, little old ladies scuttling about, searching for bargains.": 1 " You stand by the microjet on Quimper landing strip.": 1 " You stand by a newspaper stall.The man behind it is shouting the headlines in an attempt to get you to buy something.": 1 " You stand by a building. A taxi stands before you: the driver looks bored.": 1 " You stand before the front doorof Charriere Lodge.": 1 " You stand at the west end of a long, busy market place. Many stall owners are calling out prices in guttural tones.": 1 " You stand at a train station. A large sign stands over a door.": 1 " You stand at a crossroads, a small pond to your southwest.": 1 " You stand amonst some quaint french cottages.": 1 " You stand amongst the wreckage of five helicopters. Your secretagent training tells you to movequickly before reinforcements are sent.": 1 " You stand alone in a small partof an army training zone.": 1 " You stand alone in a narrow road. The post office tower stands authoritatively over the small houses' rooves.": 1 " You sit in the cockpit of the tiny jet, and are confronted by a very large instrument panel, full of complex, up-to-date controls."'" A small VDU blinks into life near your knees: a message appears.": 1 " You now stand outside the MI5 building, on a busy London road.": 1 " You lie dying in your smashed- up microjet, your body all tattered & torn."''" May you rest in pieces": 1 " You have just fallen into a pond, and consequently drowned.": 1 " You find yourself on a plush green lawn,which has several ponds in it."'" Suddenly, you see a pack of vicious guard dogs racing to- wards you: You're going to have to lure them into the ponds if you're going to survive!" 1 " You find yourself in a little park, a small, curious stone building in the middle, surroun-ded by benches.": 1 " You enter the next room, which is empty except for a small man strapped to a chair."'" He stares at you malevolently.": 1 " You enter the chief's office. The plush leather fittings and fine furniture give you a sense of security as you shake the oldman's hand." 1 " You enter the ballroom.Suddenlymen jump out from hiding points,sub-machine guns blazing.": 1 " You enter a dark alleyway. You glimpse some young people run- ning away as you approach. A dustbin stands in your path.": 1 " You enter a cold, shabby room. At one end of the room a small man stands, a gun pointed at your stomach": 1 " You enter a charred room that was once a ballroom. Bodies gripping guns lie strewn around.": 1 " You come to what looks like the town centre. A dog barking breaks the silence.": 1 " You come to a sudden impassablecliff.": 1 " You come to a dead-end.Bollardsblock the road,preventing any more movement west.": 1 " You come to a T-junction in theroad. To your south is a small street.": 1 " You come into a small room: just as you enter, a door to your north swings to.": 1 " You cautiously walk down a depressingly littered alleyway, graffitti adorning the walls.": 1 " You can't.": 1 " You are walking quietly down a quiet, dark street.": 1 " You are walking past a garage, and a mechanic watches you menacingly, brandishing a very large spanner.": 1 " You are suddenly rushed away bya 'moving-pavement' system, and dumped on the correct train. The carriage is very roomy and comfortable."''" As you sit patiently, you hear the engines start up." 1 " You are standing by the NaturalHistory museum. A sign has been erected near the large gates.": 1 " You are in the records room of the MI5, where huge amounts of data are stored on computer. The room is deserted, and the computer screen glows.": 1 " You are in the equipment room of the MI5 building. New weaponsare being tested all around you,targets,dummies and unfortunate assistants are being shot to pieces." 1 " You are in the departure loungeof the airfield.": 1 " You are in a narrow residentialstreet, with trees lining the way."'" You stand before a large house that looks very familiar...": 1 " You are in a beautifully decor -ated dining room.": 1 " You are at your house. There isa large cupboard to your right, & a TV & hi-fi in front of you.": 1 " With what? "; 1 " The man starts, looks round at you, scared, then quickly pulls a gun & shoots.": 1 " The leviathan roar of the jet engine bursting into life seems to deafen you. You are pushed back in your seat as the jet hurtles down the runway. Soon you are crossing the channel, and your destination isjust in sight.": 1 " The door is locked...": 1 " In front of you, you see a big man,standing in the shadows. As you draw close to him, you notice an angry red scar down the side of his face.": 1 " CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have just destroyed the evilinfluence that 'Atlas' had on the world by saving the papers."''" A knighthood is probably on the way, Agent 2!"''''" Seriously, congratulations on solving 'The Atlas Assignment'. Well done!"'''"Martyn Davis Aug '83": 1 " Atlas lies dead beneath a complicated-looking safe embedd-ed in the wall.": 1 " As you creep silently to the next doorway, you hear what sounds like the 'snick' of a safety-catch being taken off.": 1 " As you come cruising in towardsQuimper & its small landing strip, you notice the fuel meterindicates empty."'" You are flying over some dere- lict buildings, and the only wayto survive is to bomb a landing strip below you!"'''" Use ENTER to drop a bomb."'''''"Press any key to commence" 1 " After you finish typing in the 1 " A rather large alsation has just enjoyed a rather larger than normal meal.(You)"'" You are now in now fit state tocontinue.": 1 " A man says,"''" ""Ah! Agent 2. You found no. 11alright I see. Well, we've got one of Atlas's contacts, but he won't talk. We wondered if you could do something. He's in the next room, tied to a chair.""": 1 " A man comes up to you, looks around, and quickly says,"''" ""We've got one of 'em: meet at 11,Apfel strasse.": 1 " A man comes up to you and quietly says,"''" ""You're Lendelovich aren't you?I recognized that little jet of yours.""" 1 " A dead man with a scarred face lies at your feet.": 1 " A big bomb has just blown you to smithereens.": 1 " " 1 was written by Martyn C. Davis 1 to move left and right, and press 1 to fire your automatic pistol.(It'slucky you brought it along!)": 1 number, alarm bells ring and several armed guards burst in, machine guns blazing...": 1 PLEASE WAIT FOR A FEW MOMENTS. 1 1983 Virgin Games Ltd. 1 THE ATLAS ASSIGNMENT 1 REMember 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 11 1 I sincerely hope you didn't intend cheating by studying the listing! Type 1 1 1